Our Curriculum
At Fairfield we offer students an innovative, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of individuals whilst creating the best conditions for all our students to excel and succeed to the best of their ability.
We have a highly qualified and committed team of specialist teachers and support staff who work together to develop our students as life-long learners.
Students in Years 7 – 9 study the following subjects:
- English & Literacy
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities (History, Geography, Ethics)
- Modern Foreign Languages (French or Spanish)
- Food Technology
- Art
- Design and Technology
- Computing
- Performing Arts (Music, Drama)
- Physical Education
- Life Skills (Year 7)
- Animal Care (Year 8)
Students are taught in mixed ability teaching groups for practical subjects, are broadly streamed for other classroom based subjects and set for Maths. Students may be moved between groups or sets in any subject, depending on their performance. On entry to school, students will be placed in a group studying either French or Spanish, which they will continue for at least three years. If you have a strong preference for either language you can indicate this on the Admission form. Parents/carers will always be informed so that we can work together to ensure our students make the most of their opportunities.
In Years 10 -11 we offer our students further opportunities within the curriculum. Students must study English, Maths, Science, RS, PE, PSHE and Careers and most will continue with a foreign language. They can also choose to study up to four further subjects at Level 2 (both GCSE and BTEC qualifications).
Careers and work-related learning are important for all our students from Years 7 – 11 and is embedded into the curriculum. We organise Industry Days and other Careers events in school. All Key Stage 4 students are offered Careers advice.
With our extensive programme of learning outside the classroom, encompassing everything from visits linked to curriculum areas to residential trips which encourage confidence and independence, we believe that our curriculum offers a wide range of opportunities for every student and Ofsted agrees with us – awarding us an “Outstanding” rating on three consecutive inspections.
Our aim is to kindle a passion for English whilst laying the foundations for a successful study of GCSE at KS4. There is a strong emphasis on students being able to read and write to a high standard, as well as in speaking and listening situations.
Years 7-9 students will undertake a wide-ranging course covering a variety of topic, and Years 10 and 11 students follow the EDEXCEL course at GCSE. Every student’s progress will be tracked to ensure that they make regular progress.
Art & Design
Creativity is at the heart of the Art and Design Curriculum. Students are actively encouraged to work independently and to develop enquiring minds. Students in years 10 and 11 can choose to take a GCSE course in Art and Design.
Computer Science & iMedia
Our Computer Science curriculum is concerned with how computers and computer systems work, how they are designed and programmed, how to apply computational thinking and how to make the best use of technology we have. We also cover a range of creative media and digital literacy skills and concepts. The first column.
Design & Technology
Technology subjects play their part in ensuring every student studies a broad and balanced curriculum. During Key Stage 3 students complete a range of learning experiences across the faculty, and we are offering a range of courses in KS4.
In years 7-9 students study a range of Physical and Human Geography. They will look at the physical processes that create our planet and how they affect the way we live. In years 10 and 11 students follow the AQA Geography A GCSE course.
In History students learn to understand how the world they live in was shaped, how to argue a case based upon evidence and how to interpret different viewpoints. It helps them to ask and answer questions of the present by engaging with the past.
Modern Foreign Languages
The philosophy of the MFL department is based on the belief that students should be able to communicate for a real purpose in the foreign language. To this end, the emphasis is on the development of practical skills in an engaging and enjoyable way.
The Music Department is a hive of activity and provides opportunities for students of all musical abilities to experience music in a wide variety of styles, both in the classroom and in the numerous extra-curricular groups that rehearse regularly.
Physical Education
The PE Department is a very active part of Fairfield High School. It follows the National Curriculum for PE focusing on high quality lessons that enthuse and include all students, regardless of ability or skill.
Religious Studies & Ethics
RE is approached through enquiry, critical thinking and reflection. The curriculum has been devised to develop a broader and deeper understanding of beliefs and their impact upon society.
We aim to develop students’ interest and understanding of Science and the world around them by studying various topics, and we take pride in the number of past students who go on to study a science at college and then for a degree at university.
Food & Nutrition
Learning to cook is a crucial life skill that enables students to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.
Vocational: Animal Care
Students studying BTEC level 2 in Animal Care will spend time feeding and caring for the many animals we have on site, studying their habits and behaviour. Students also learn about animal biology and complete practical and written assignments.
Vocational: Children’s Play, Learning & Development
The BTEC level 2 First Award in Children’s Play, Learning and Development delivers a stimulating introduction for students interested in this as a career. It is designed to provide specialist work-related qualifications in a range of sectors.