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Severe Weather

What to do in severe weather…

In the event of severe weather, please be aware of the following:

  • We expect all students to attend school as much as possible, even if those in outlying areas arrive at school a bit later than usual. Safety is of course paramount!
  • We will not close the school unless absolutely necessary; safety of staff and students is always our priority. If we do have to close the school, we will make a decision before 7am as many people travel long distances.
  • The decision to close the school will be communicated via this website, Facebook, Instagram and will appear on the Herefordshire Council website and on local radio stations. 
  • If we have to evacuate the school during the school day due to the weather or other unforeseen event, all students will be accompanied by staff along the old railway line to Peterchurch Primary School, where they can be picked up by bus or car. We will endeavour to ensure that all students have contacted home but in extreme circumstances will send them home with a near neighbour or friend if that is the best way to get them home quickly and safely.

Please support us by ensuring that your child always has up to date contact numbers for you and can access the house if you are not there.

As the lane gets wetter and muddier, I would also recommend strong shoes and a warm coat!